Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Today, I was watching Hannity and Colmes on Fox News. They showed a YouTube video that showed teenagers caught on tape trashing a drive-thru window. The forum was about who do you fault, YouTube or the teenagers? Of course everyone agreed the teenagers need to be held accountable but they also discussed how they hope this new form of technology does not lead to people using it for something negative. Well, we know technology is only as good as its user. If it falls into the wrong hands for the wrong reasons then we have a problem. Unfortunately in our school systems this is the number one priority when discussing technology. We hold many meetings on the 'acceptable use' policies instead of ways to improve education through technology. This year will be the first phase in my district to improve technology in elementary schools. The district started with the high schools and moved to middle schools last year. I can't wait for this school year to start...as I am interested to see how things unfold.

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